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 Lacrosse Terminology


Lacrosse is a great game to watch, but with all sports there are rules and terms that, once understood, bring you to a whole new level of understanding. These terms open the door to an understanding of the rules, fundamentals, and tactics of the game. There is certainly an extensive lacrosse vocabulary that players and serious fans need to learn.



A situation where an offensive player has beaten his/her check to create a man advantage going into the offensive zone (3-on-2, 4-on-3, 5-on-4 are similar types of situations).


Clearing Terms Gilman


Gilman - Defender, typically the goalie, clears the ball by throwing it as far as he can down the field. Sometimes this is a desperation move, but it is often better to create a ground ball situation in the opponents end than around our own goal.



Keeping a player in check in order to minimize offensive threats.


Corner Man

The player who plays the corner or shooter positions on offence (also see Corner Position).


Corner Position

The offensive position on both sides of the field located near the side face-off circles.



The rocking motion of the stick used to gain a feel for, and to maintain control of, the ball.



An area around the goal that opposing players are forbidden to enter.


Crease Man

The offensive player who plays the crease position (also see Crease Position).


Crease Position

A position on the goal line that is extended from and approximately one metre off of the goal crease.


Defensive Stance

A position where the player’s knees are bent, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the lead foot is slightly ahead, and the stick is held to match the opponent’s stick as well as to protect the body.



A one-on-one move where a deliberate step is taken in one direction followed by an explosive step in the opposite direction.



Pulling and turning the stick during a face-off (also see Face-off).



A method of starting or re-starting play (also see Draw).


Face Dodging

- A player with the ball cradles the stick across his face in an attempt to dodge a stick-poking defender. Generally an open field dodge that does not involve changing hands.


Fast Break

When an offensive team quickly mounts a scoring attack enabling them to gain a man advantage over the opposing defense. Almost always a four on three.


Flag Down

Tells the offense that a penalty will be called. This means that you should do all that we can to get off a shot without dropping the ball to the ground, which will halt play.


Fast Break

A rapid attack which occurs during the transition from offence to defence.


Give & Go

The act of passing and then quickly going for a return pass.


GLE (Goal Line Extended)

An imaginary line that extends straight out from the sides of the goal line.


Loose Ball

Occurs when the ball is not in the control of either team.


Man Short

A situation where one team has fewer players allowed on the field than the opponent (short-handed or man-down).



A team defensive strategy where pressure is placed on the ball carrier while the remaining players move off their checks towards the middle of the field.


Motion Offense

An offensive formation that involves having the five runners in a continuous and balanced cycle of player movement.



The strategy of moving one or two extra players into one area of the field.



The act of blocking the path of a defender such that he/she cannot follow his/her check.


Pick & Roll

The act of setting a pick and then turning to receive a pass (also see Pick).


Poke Check

 A defender jabs his stick at the exposed stick end or hands of an opposing ball carrier in an effort to jar the ball loose. These checks are very effective in that the checking player stays in balance and keeps a cushion of space between himself and the ball carrier.


Point Man

A location at the top and centre of the field; this location is taken by the player who is furthest from the goal.


Man Up  -  EMO

A situation when one team has a player advantage as a result of a penalty.


Quick Stick

The act of catching and then passing or shooting in one motion.


Ready Position

A method of holding the stick with two hands such that the head of the stick is near the shoulder and ready to receive a pass or a check.


 Roll Dodge

An offensive move in which a bal carrier, using his body as a shield between a defensive player and the cradled ball, spins around the defender. To provide maximum ball protection, the ball carrier switches hands as he rolls.



When an attacking team loses possession of the ball, it must quickly revert to playing defense in order to prevent the ball from being cleared back out. In most ride situations, the goal-keeper will be left un-marked.



An attacking player without possession of the ball positions himself in front of the opposing goal crease in an effort to block the goalkeeper’s view.


Side Arm

Does not apply- NOT ALLOWED


Skip Pass

To pass to a non-adjacent teammate. Also known as a star pass. (like drawing a star)



The act of leaving one’s check to assist a team mate.


Slap Check

A stick check (inferior to the poke check). The defender uses his stick to slap the stick of the offensive player who has the ball. Poke checks are preferred since it is easier to keep you feet moving and stay balanced during the check.


Stick Side

A defensive position taken to defend against an offensive player's stick.


\Sub Shot

A shot that is taken with the stick moving in a plane below the waist (also know as an underhand shot).


Square Up

To position one’s body in preparation to pass. This means to aim the leading shoulder towards the target.



The act of exchanging checks with a team mate.


Triple Threat

A position where the stick is held with two hands such that the body is between the stick and the opponent; this position allows the player to pass, shoot, or go around their opponent.



A one- to three-step move by an offensive player where the defender is first engaged; the offensive player then takes a quick reverse step and moves into the open to receive the ball.


Weak Side

The side of the field with the fewest number of players.


Whistle Ready “Beat the Whistle”

 Being Ready to play,  In position ready. On AND OFF THE BALL. Arguing with the ref or palms up gets you a seat on the bench.   



A defensive strategy where each player is assigned a designated area to defend.

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